Statistics & Research about Duxbury,MA - Ap Insurance Group Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Duxbury,MA an area served by Ap Insurance Group Agency Inc

24 Bay Rd
Phone : (781) 235-3100

Real estate research for area nearby Ap Insurance Group Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Boston 374,700 1265 4.1
Lakeville 380,400 998 3.1
Walpole 400,500 1206 3.6
Dedham 374,700 1432 4.6
Onset 251,000 911 4.4
Mattapoisett Center 427,000 1180 3.3
Forestdale 328,900 2001 7.3
Wareham Center 255,000 1043 4.9
Hanson 338,300 1009 3.6

Number of old houses in places near by Ap Insurance Group Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Boston 388700
Lakeville 341100
Walpole 362200
Dedham 372600
Onset 197000
Mattapoisett Center 464500
Wareham Center 244800
Hanson 287200
Avon 322900
Monument Beach 304700
Stoughton 302200
Duxbury 678200
Plymouth County 328800

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Ap Insurance Group Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Boston 333600
Lakeville 396100
Walpole 489900
Dedham 385600
Mattapoisett Center 437900
Forestdale 318600
Wareham Center 286300
Hanson 379000
Monument Beach 254300
Stoughton 352300
Duxbury 616400
Plymouth County 346600

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Ap Insurance Group Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Boston 60085
Lakeville 1659
Walpole 3175
Dedham 3794
Onset 305
Mattapoisett Center 729
Forestdale 901
Wareham Center 600
Hanson 1497
Avon 767
Monument Beach 591
Stoughton 4750
Duxbury 1786
Plymouth County 79811

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Ap Insurance Group Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Boston 21034
Lakeville 1182
Walpole 2398
Dedham 1816
Onset 217
Mattapoisett Center 324
Forestdale 336
Wareham Center 234
Hanson 834
Avon 386
Monument Beach 130
Stoughton 2098
Duxbury 2293
Plymouth County 39122