Statistics & Research about Shelburne,MA - Blackmer Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Shelburne,MA an area served by Blackmer Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 413-625-6527

Real estate research for area nearby Blackmer Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Warwick 183,300 1085 7.1
Washington 236700 NA NA
Shutesbury 270,700 1107 4.9
New Salem 230,100 1641 8.6
South Deerfield 302,400 1022 4.1
Monroe 187,500 825 5.3
Bernardston 224,700 1164 6.2
Plainfield 234,500 750 3.8
Wardsboro 204,300 694 4.1

Number of whites in places near by Blackmer Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Warwick 603
Washington 517
Shutesbury 1627
New Salem 981
South Deerfield 1678
Monroe 103
Bernardston 2055
Plainfield 523
Wardsboro 653
Windham County 42234
Whitingham 1303
Peru 861
Williamstown 7039
Shelburne Falls 1769

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Blackmer Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Warwick 164
Washington 111
Shutesbury 358
New Salem 204
South Deerfield 325
Monroe 26
Bernardston 402
Plainfield 105
Wardsboro 343
Windham County 10815
Whitingham 346
Peru 203
Williamstown 1132
Shelburne Falls 311

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Blackmer Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Warwick 63
Washington 25
Shutesbury 113
New Salem 17
South Deerfield 186
Monroe 3
Bernardston 67
Somerset 3
Plainfield 10
Wardsboro 78
Windham County 3932
Whitingham 75
Peru 42
Williamstown 387
Shelburne Falls 190