Statistics & Research about Fall River,MA - Branco-Gardner Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Fall River,MA an area served by Branco-Gardner Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 508-674-8424

Real estate research for area nearby Branco-Gardner Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
North Plymouth 308,700 1080 4.2
Plymouth 336,200 1181 4.2
Pocasset 365,400 795 2.6
Marion 410,600 962 2.8
Plymouth County 339,100 1097 3.9
Fall River 247,600 699 3.4
Smithfield 282,300 951 4.0
Lincoln 281,500 866 3.7
West Warwick 211,600 923 5.2
Franklin Town 387,100 1127 3.5

Number of whites in places near by Branco-Gardner Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
North Plymouth 3273
Plymouth 53425
Pocasset 2843
Marion 4494
Plymouth County 426413
Fall River 78529
Smithfield 20212
Lincoln 19275
West Warwick 26274
Franklin Town 29419
Weweantic 1574
White Island Shores 2122
East Bridgewater 13496
Valley Falls 10687
Barrington 15200

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Branco-Gardner Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
North Plymouth 296400
Plymouth 309900
Pocasset 372400
Marion 369300
Plymouth County 346600
Fall River 234700
Smithfield 251100
Lincoln 291100
West Warwick 194600
Franklin Town 342900
East Bridgewater 372000
Valley Falls 283000
Barrington 349500

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Branco-Gardner Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
North Plymouth 19
Plymouth 739
Pocasset 132
Marion 317
Plymouth County 8870
Fall River 1078
Smithfield 251
Lincoln 378
West Warwick 217
Franklin Town 414
White Island Shores 16
East Bridgewater 261
Valley Falls 166
Barrington 504

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Branco-Gardner Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
North Plymouth 116
Plymouth 4382
Pocasset 336
Marion 528
Plymouth County 39122
Fall River 2137
Smithfield 1052
Lincoln 1409
West Warwick 1074
Franklin Town 3596
Weweantic 123
White Island Shores 31
East Bridgewater 1051
Valley Falls 585
Barrington 1879