Statistics & Research about South Dennis,MA - Bryden & Sullivan Ins Agency Of Dennis Inc

Here are some statistics & research about South Dennis,MA an area served by Bryden & Sullivan Ins Agency Of Dennis Inc

485 ROUTE 134
Phone : 508-398-6060

Real estate research for area nearby Bryden & Sullivan Ins Agency Of Dennis Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Woods Hole 638,300 1250 2.3
Barnstable Town 357,800 1081 3.6
Oak Bluffs 583,600 1082 2.2
North Falmouth 494,500 1416 3.4
West Falmouth 549,900 1583 3.5
Mashpee 337,300 1356 4.8
Buzzards Bay 267,600 1099 4.9
Nantucket County 944,100 1648 2.1
East Dennis 456,000 1086 2.9
Plymouth 336,200 1181 4.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Bryden & Sullivan Ins Agency Of Dennis Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Woods Hole 138
Barnstable Town 6753
Oak Bluffs 834
North Falmouth 410
West Falmouth 249
Mashpee 3386
Buzzards Bay 699
Nantucket County 2462
East Dennis 334
Plymouth 7392
Dennis 4403
South Yarmouth 3339
Monument Beach 642
East Harwich 739
Seconsett Island 95

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Bryden & Sullivan Ins Agency Of Dennis Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Barnstable Town 346700
Oak Bluffs 612200
North Falmouth 479000
West Falmouth 441800
Mashpee 293000
Buzzards Bay 300000
Nantucket County 1000001
East Dennis 438400
Plymouth 309900
Dennis 451200
South Yarmouth 328100
Monument Beach 254300
East Harwich 498000

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Bryden & Sullivan Ins Agency Of Dennis Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Woods Hole 261
Barnstable Town 11125
Oak Bluffs 1866
North Falmouth 1195
West Falmouth 602
Mashpee 4269
Buzzards Bay 559
Nantucket County 3339
East Dennis 1149
Plymouth 10437
Dennis 6598
South Yarmouth 3029
Monument Beach 591
East Harwich 1681
Seconsett Island 52

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Bryden & Sullivan Ins Agency Of Dennis Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Woods Hole 256
Barnstable Town 5014
Oak Bluffs 899
North Falmouth 594
West Falmouth 426
Mashpee 1422
Buzzards Bay 224
Nantucket County 2820
East Dennis 402
Plymouth 4382
Dennis 2192
South Yarmouth 670
Monument Beach 130
East Harwich 519