Statistics & Research about Halifax,MA - C Note Club Inc Dba Fox Reliable Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Halifax,MA an area served by C Note Club Inc Dba Fox Reliable Insurance

Phone : 781-293-6331

Real estate research for area nearby C Note Club Inc Dba Fox Reliable Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Norton Center 338,600 889 3.2
Plainville 337,900 1107 3.9
Wellesley 882,900 1431 1.9
North Lakeville 313,400 1073 4.1
Carver 269,100 1547 6.9
Marshfield Hills 516200 NA NA
North Pembroke 352,200 1380 4.7
Weymouth Town 321,500 1111 4.1
Mansfield 372,600 1097 3.5

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by C Note Club Inc Dba Fox Reliable Insurance

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Norton Center 17
Plainville 89
Wellesley 1879
North Lakeville 13
Carver 116
Marshfield Hills 87
North Pembroke 11
Weymouth Town 799
Mansfield 388
Fall River 1078
Bristol County 8110
South Duxbury 131
Acushnet 71
Duxbury 569

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by C Note Club Inc Dba Fox Reliable Insurance

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Norton Center 130
Plainville 1183
Wellesley 2678
North Lakeville 302
Carver 2152
Marshfield Hills 327
North Pembroke 485
Weymouth Town 7980
Mansfield 3165
Fall River 14981
Bristol County 95221
South Duxbury 439
Acushnet 2025
Duxbury 1786

Number of old houses in places near by C Note Club Inc Dba Fox Reliable Insurance

Place name Number of old houses
Plainville 303500
Wellesley 888700
North Lakeville 236000
Carver 269300
Marshfield Hills 642000
North Pembroke 621200
Weymouth Town 305400
Mansfield 313500
Fall River 244500
Bristol County 255400
South Duxbury 629000
Acushnet 270800
Duxbury 678200

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by C Note Club Inc Dba Fox Reliable Insurance

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Norton Center 442700
Plainville 413100
Wellesley 862000
North Lakeville 245800
Carver 285700
Marshfield Hills 676100
North Pembroke 505200
Weymouth Town 448000
Mansfield 467200
Fall River 278700
Bristol County 362200
South Duxbury 855400
Acushnet 372600
Duxbury 622700