Statistics & Research about Taunton,MA - Caras Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Taunton,MA an area served by Caras Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 508-822-3131

Real estate research for area nearby Caras Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Newport East 328,200 1109 4.1
Green Harbor-Cedar Crest 370,000 1971 6.4
Acushnet 299,200 744 3.0
Rockland 282,700 1036 4.4
Taunton 260,000 883 4.1
West Wareham 158,500 894 6.8
Bristol County 345,300 914 3.2
Raynham Center 308,000 1471 5.7
Westport 348,900 940 3.2
Cumberland 266,900 857 3.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Caras Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Newport East 1841
Green Harbor-Cedar Crest 231
Acushnet 925
Rockland 2314
Taunton 6536
West Wareham 488
Bristol County 5216
Raynham Center 524
Westport 1636
Cumberland 3267
Norton Center 143
Woonsocket 6437
Norfolk 319
North Seekonk 251
Warwick 10480

Number of old houses in places near by Caras Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Newport East 353300
Green Harbor-Cedar Crest 383800
Acushnet 270800
Rockland 304300
Taunton 250400
West Wareham 335200
Bristol County 325100
Raynham Center 771300
Westport 338600
Cumberland 237500
Woonsocket 191300
Norfolk 389800
North Seekonk 258300
Warwick 211000

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Caras Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Newport East 681
Green Harbor-Cedar Crest 68
Acushnet 425
Rockland 834
Taunton 3776
West Wareham 52
Bristol County 2140
Raynham Center 43
Westport 495
Cumberland 1695
Woonsocket 3561
Norfolk 107
North Seekonk 12
Warwick 5584

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Caras Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Newport East 232
Green Harbor-Cedar Crest 84
Acushnet 71
Rockland 312
Taunton 872
West Wareham 25
Bristol County 1025
Raynham Center 116
Westport 359
Cumberland 376
Norton Center 17
Woonsocket 472
Norfolk 210
North Seekonk 26
Warwick 820