Statistics & Research about Attleboro,MA - Durand Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Attleboro,MA an area served by Durand Agency Inc

Phone : 508-226-5007

Real estate research for area nearby Durand Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Dighton 321,700 985 3.7
Foster 295,700 814 3.3
Killingly 203,900 812 4.8
Douglas 291,100 989 4.1
Bristol County 345,300 914 3.2
Sherborn 721,100 2001 3.3
Ashland 353,900 1198 4.1
Grafton 346,600 933 3.2
Hanover 459,000 916 2.4
Lincoln 281,500 866 3.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Durand Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Dighton 503
Foster 374
Killingly 1934
Douglas 804
Bristol County 5216
Sherborn 170
Ashland 2237
Grafton 1732
Hanover 712
Lincoln 2573
Newton 7368
Norton Center 143
Putnam 1220
New Bedford 13975
West Greenwich 566

Number of vacant houses in places near by Durand Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Dighton 74
Foster 79
Killingly 825
Douglas 123
Bristol County 1468
Sherborn 24
Ashland 66
Grafton 296
Hanover 181
Lincoln 535
Newton 1528
Putnam 535
New Bedford 4682
West Greenwich 174

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Durand Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Dighton 344400
Foster 340100
Killingly 208100
Douglas 264200
Bristol County 361600
Sherborn 829500
Ashland 284000
Grafton 337600
Hanover 565700
Lincoln 291100
Newton 541800
Norton Center 267500
Putnam 217000
New Bedford 238000
West Greenwich 317200

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Durand Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Dighton 273900
Foster 240300
Killingly 169000
Douglas 167900
Bristol County 333600
Sherborn 687500
Ashland 317500
Grafton 306600
Hanover 400700
Lincoln 276100
Newton 605000
Norton Center 356300
Putnam 237500
New Bedford 236100
West Greenwich 229000