Statistics & Research about Brockton,MA - Fernandes Matthew J

Here are some statistics & research about Brockton,MA an area served by Fernandes Matthew J

1098 MAIN ST
Phone : 508-580-0558

Real estate research for area nearby Fernandes Matthew J

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Natick 429,200 1233 3.4
Medford 385,500 1379 4.3
Norwell 576,800 1291 2.7
North Seekonk 271,700 1566 6.9
Somerville 441,300 1372 3.7
Franklin Town 387,100 1127 3.5
Plymouth County 339,100 1097 3.9
Dedham 374,700 1432 4.6
Cochituate 521,400 1145 2.6
Middleborough Center 286,300 1014 4.3

Number of new houses in places near by Fernandes Matthew J

Place name Number of new houses
Natick 653800
Norwell 693200
Plymouth County 458200
Bristol County 458700

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Fernandes Matthew J

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Natick 4770
Medford 7571
Norwell 1316
North Seekonk 547
Somerville 6622
Franklin Town 3516
Plymouth County 79811
Dedham 3794
Cochituate 1099
Middleborough Center 828
Bristol County 95221
Medway 1534
Plympton 455
Pawtucket 10610
North Lakeville 302

Number of old houses in places near by Fernandes Matthew J

Place name Number of old houses
Natick 419500
Medford 393200
Norwell 589500
North Seekonk 258300
Somerville 452800
Franklin Town 321200
Plymouth County 328800
Dedham 372600
Cochituate 383500
Middleborough Center 303600
Bristol County 255400
Medway 312300
Plympton 418100
Pawtucket 213500
North Lakeville 236000

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Fernandes Matthew J

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Natick 668400
Medford 393600
Norwell 819400
North Seekonk 356400
Somerville 346100
Franklin Town 477600
Plymouth County 397100
Dedham 487200
Cochituate 597800
Middleborough Center 265800
Bristol County 362200
Medway 467700
Plympton 432500
Pawtucket 185400
North Lakeville 245800