Statistics & Research about Swansea,MA - Frank Smith Ins Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Swansea,MA an area served by Frank Smith Ins Inc

Phone : 508-675-5557

Car dealers nearby Frank Smith Ins Inc

Best Choice Auto

Phone: (508) 567-7706

Real estate research for area nearby Frank Smith Ins Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Norwood 378,900 1211 3.8
Coventry 239,800 855 4.3
Providence County 236,700 871 4.4
Whitman 292,400 1026 4.2
North Lakeville 313,400 1073 4.1
Mendon 375,600 880 2.8
Foster 295,700 814 3.3
East Providence 232,000 838 4.3
Wareham Center 255,000 1043 4.9
Walpole 400,500 1206 3.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Frank Smith Ins Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Norwood 3969
Coventry 3856
Providence County 86152
Whitman 1368
North Lakeville 323
Mendon 400
Foster 374
East Providence 6545
Wareham Center 839
Walpole 1749
Stoughton 2543
Blackstone 1150
Harmony 159
Middletown 2221
Rochester 318

Number of vacant houses in places near by Frank Smith Ins Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Norwood 711
Coventry 863
Providence County 25732
Whitman 202
North Lakeville 117
Mendon 102
Foster 79
East Providence 1160
Wareham Center 446
Walpole 296
Stoughton 438
Blackstone 358
Harmony 109
Middletown 824
Rochester 99

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Frank Smith Ins Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Norwood 349600
Coventry 338100
Providence County 304000
Whitman 373400
North Lakeville 563600
Mendon 564100
Foster 319600
East Providence 343300
Wareham Center 303600
Walpole 679600
Stoughton 477300
Blackstone 278200
Middletown 535500
Rochester 435300

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Frank Smith Ins Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Norwood 1873
Coventry 1306
Providence County 41003
Whitman 619
North Lakeville 145
Mendon 45
Foster 94
East Providence 4115
Wareham Center 302
Walpole 767
Stoughton 1023
Blackstone 478
Harmony 86
Middletown 747
Rochester 47