Statistics & Research about Wilbraham,MA - Gaudreau Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Wilbraham,MA an area served by Gaudreau Group Inc

Phone : 413-543-3534

Car dealers nearby Gaudreau Group Inc

Balise Ford Of Wilbraham

Phone: 866-910-4034

Real estate research for area nearby Gaudreau Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Southampton 296,900 1147 4.6
Simsbury Center 302,100 1295 5.1
Montgomery 280,700 775 3.3
Windsor 240,800 1145 5.7
Tolland 285,300 1213 5.1
Sunderland 307,800 1056 4.1
Willington 239,400 1078 5.4
Granby 295,300 1173 4.8
Longmeadow 343,000 1115 3.9
Ludlow 226,200 847 4.5

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Gaudreau Group Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Southampton 614
Simsbury Center 636
Montgomery 96
Windsor 2466
Tolland 597
Sunderland 607
Willington 514
Granby 646
Longmeadow 596
Ludlow 2266
Granby 646
Hadley 456
Monson Center 281
Brimfield 404
West Springfield Town 3263

Number of whites in places near by Gaudreau Group Inc

Place name Number of whites
Southampton 5692
Simsbury Center 5623
Montgomery 855
Windsor 15590
Tolland 14298
Sunderland 3276
Willington 5790
Granby 10720
Longmeadow 14445
Ludlow 20061
Granby 6100
Hadley 4986
Monson Center 1841
Brimfield 3610
West Springfield Town 25229

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Gaudreau Group Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Southampton 254600
Simsbury Center 350900
Montgomery 240000
Windsor 226300
Tolland 235600
Sunderland 253100
Willington 225400
Granby 257800
Longmeadow 333300
Ludlow 194700
Granby 193500
Hadley 295600
Monson Center 284100
Brimfield 166700
West Springfield Town 222800

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Gaudreau Group Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Southampton 424
Simsbury Center 660
Montgomery 42
Windsor 2458
Tolland 1723
Sunderland 207
Willington 268
Granby 1333
Longmeadow 1921
Ludlow 1276
Granby 595
Hadley 529
Monson Center 189
Brimfield 301
West Springfield Town 1391