Statistics & Research about Holyoke,MA - John T Ferreira Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Holyoke,MA an area served by John T Ferreira Insurance Inc

150 Lower Westfield Rd, Ste 2

Real estate research for area nearby John T Ferreira Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Vernon 215,400 954 5.3
Chicopee 180,500 777 5.2
Russell 222,800 842 4.5
Granby 240,900 690 3.4
Windsor Locks 209,800 896 5.1
Shelburne Falls 238,900 865 4.3
Tolland 285,300 1213 5.1
Sunderland 307,800 1056 4.1
Hampden 275,100 702 3.1
Colebrook 293,300 775 3.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by John T Ferreira Insurance Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Vernon 4331
Chicopee 8853
Russell 179
Granby 646
Windsor Locks 1569
Shelburne Falls 224
Tolland 597
Sunderland 607
Hampden 210
Colebrook 125
Wales 247
Ludlow 2266
South Deerfield 191
Stafford Springs 711
Whately 198

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by John T Ferreira Insurance Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Vernon 1732
Chicopee 2189
Russell 112
Granby 595
Windsor Locks 557
Shelburne Falls 123
Tolland 1723
Sunderland 207
Hampden 496
Colebrook 121
Wales 89
Ludlow 1276
South Deerfield 169
Stafford Springs 249
Whately 122

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by John T Ferreira Insurance Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Vernon 342
Chicopee 694
Russell 36
Granby 18
Windsor Locks 133
Shelburne Falls 47
Tolland 161
Sunderland 46
Hampden 94
Colebrook 56
Wales 25
Ludlow 164
South Deerfield 30
Stafford Springs 124
Whately 53