Statistics & Research about Wareham,MA - Legacy Insurance Agency Group

Here are some statistics & research about Wareham,MA an area served by Legacy Insurance Agency Group

Phone : 508-295-1315

Car dealers nearby Legacy Insurance Agency Group

Walls Lincoln Mercury

Phone: (978) 687-3100
url: http://warehamford.dealerconne

Real estate research for area nearby Legacy Insurance Agency Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Duxbury 573,900 957 2.0
Dartmouth 329,200 1007 3.7
Bridgewater 333,900 1144 4.1
Middleborough Center 286,300 1014 4.3
Yarmouth Port 363,000 1358 4.5
Weweantic 245,900 1039 5.1
Barnstable Town 357,800 1081 3.6
Popponesset Island 1000001 NA NA
Acushnet Center 258,400 641 3.0
Sagamore 351,600 1357 4.6

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Legacy Insurance Agency Group

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Duxbury 455
Dartmouth 1145
Bridgewater 680
Middleborough Center 402
Yarmouth Port 110
Weweantic 66
Barnstable Town 1546
Acushnet Center 184
Sagamore 77
Mattapoisett Center 178
Bristol County 27188
South Yarmouth 801
East Sandwich 165
Halifax 182

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Legacy Insurance Agency Group

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Duxbury 2293
Dartmouth 2126
Bridgewater 1739
Middleborough Center 445
Yarmouth Port 409
Weweantic 123
Barnstable Town 5014
Popponesset Island 57
Acushnet Center 132
Sagamore 372
Mattapoisett Center 324
Bristol County 29998
South Yarmouth 670
East Sandwich 529
Halifax 590

Number of new houses in places near by Legacy Insurance Agency Group

Place name Number of new houses
Barnstable Town 410700
Bristol County 458700

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Legacy Insurance Agency Group

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Duxbury 468400
Dartmouth 284300
Bridgewater 319000
Yarmouth Port 337500
Weweantic 309100
Barnstable Town 322300
Popponesset Island 1000001
Acushnet Center 237300
Sagamore 302200
Mattapoisett Center 490900
Bristol County 278100
South Yarmouth 296200
East Sandwich 573900
Halifax 289100