Statistics & Research about Somerset,MA - M A Gadbois Financial Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Somerset,MA an area served by M A Gadbois Financial Inc

865 County Street

Car dealers nearby M A Gadbois Financial Inc

Car Connections

Phone: (508) 675-3750

Real estate research for area nearby M A Gadbois Financial Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Avon 310,500 1131 4.4
Bliss Corner 272,500 573 2.5
Providence 214,800 910 5.1
Clayville 222500 NA NA
Johnston 237,400 891 4.5
Norton Center 338,600 889 3.2
New Bedford 228,400 762 4.0
Cumberland Hill 250,700 642 3.1
Rochester 409,100 1615 4.7
Bristol County 345,300 914 3.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by M A Gadbois Financial Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Avon 394
Bliss Corner 585
Providence 26961
Clayville 38
Johnston 3304
Norton Center 143
New Bedford 13975
Cumberland Hill 841
Rochester 318
Bristol County 5216
Mattapoisett Center 355
Whitman 1368
Tiverton 2063
North Smithfield 1313
Kingston 1312

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by M A Gadbois Financial Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Avon 136
Bliss Corner 493
Providence 11130
Johnston 1521
New Bedford 6041
Cumberland Hill 387
Rochester 47
Bristol County 2140
Mattapoisett Center 178
Whitman 619
Tiverton 629
North Smithfield 688
Kingston 329

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by M A Gadbois Financial Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Bliss Corner 279700
Providence 180200
Johnston 223700
Norton Center 267500
New Bedford 238000
Cumberland Hill 235300
Rochester 447700
Bristol County 361600
Mattapoisett Center 437900
Whitman 303200
Tiverton 328900
North Smithfield 401000
Kingston 378800

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by M A Gadbois Financial Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Avon 270000
Bliss Corner 342400
Providence 217700
Johnston 283400
Norton Center 442700
New Bedford 264500
Cumberland Hill 287400
Rochester 454300
Bristol County 367900
Whitman 317100
Tiverton 383900
North Smithfield 380600
Kingston 442200