Statistics & Research about South Hadley,MA - Marion & Werenski Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about South Hadley,MA an area served by Marion & Werenski Insurance Agency

Phone : 413-533-0636

Real estate research for area nearby Marion & Werenski Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Montgomery 280,700 775 3.3
Hawley 239,000 872 4.4
Simsbury Center 302,100 1295 5.1
Rockville 182,800 875 5.7
Stafford 206,600 826 4.8
Gill 214,100 748 4.2
Chester 211,200 730 4.1
Millers Falls 172,700 988 6.9
Hampshire County 263,500 906 4.1
Somers 325,000 1300 4.8

Number of old houses in places near by Marion & Werenski Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Montgomery 265800
Hawley 264300
Simsbury Center 278500
Rockville 195600
Stafford 182000
Gill 199100
Chester 161900
Millers Falls 165100
Hampshire County 262400
Somers 290000
Charlemont 226800
Blandford 252700
North Brookfield 195400
West Springfield Town 176100
Warren 193400

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Marion & Werenski Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Montgomery 17
Hawley 28
Simsbury Center 47
Rockville 1047
Stafford 398
Gill 41
Chester 48
Millers Falls 50
Hampshire County 8553
Somers 74
Charlemont 70
Blandford 19
North Brookfield 286
West Springfield Town 2099
Warren 304

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Marion & Werenski Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Montgomery 371400
Hawley 350000
Simsbury Center 414500
Stafford 295800
Gill 300000
Chester 450000
Hampshire County 348000
Somers 461400
Charlemont 95000
Blandford 363600
North Brookfield 284400
West Springfield Town 352700
Warren 268300

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Marion & Werenski Insurance Agency

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Montgomery 162
Hawley 86
Simsbury Center 884
Rockville 771
Stafford 2320
Gill 329
Chester 303
Millers Falls 162
Hampshire County 23173
Somers 1577
Charlemont 252
Blandford 243
North Brookfield 785
West Springfield Town 4372
Warren 881