Statistics & Research about West Bridgewater,MA - Michael J Costa Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about West Bridgewater,MA an area served by Michael J Costa Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 508-587-5640

Car dealers nearby Michael J Costa Insurance Agency Inc


West Bridgewater,MA
Phone: (508) 580-4522

Real estate research for area nearby Michael J Costa Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Abington 325,600 1141 4.2
Bristol County 287,800 802 3.3
Plymouth County 339,100 1097 3.9
Somerville 441,300 1372 3.7
North Plymouth 308,700 1080 4.2
Bellingham 284,000 1207 5.1
West Wareham 158,500 894 6.8
Providence 214,800 910 5.1
Greenville 281,000 1117 4.8
Blackstone 278,500 886 3.8

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Michael J Costa Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Abington 839
Bristol County 27188
Plymouth County 18948
Somerville 7160
North Plymouth 349
Bellingham 427
West Wareham 52
Providence 11130
Greenville 522
Blackstone 478
Attleboro 1958
Milford 1310
Millis-Clicquot 116
Norfolk 107
Taunton 3776

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Michael J Costa Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Abington 298900
Bristol County 387900
Plymouth County 404500
Somerville 436300
North Plymouth 373300
Bellingham 379200
West Wareham 288300
Providence 215400
Greenville 589600
Blackstone 278200
Attleboro 366500
Milford 346000
Millis-Clicquot 475000
Norfolk 562100
Taunton 329000

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Michael J Costa Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Abington 367500
Bristol County 300800
Plymouth County 346600
Somerville 388400
North Plymouth 296400
Bellingham 313000
West Wareham 89000
Providence 180200
Greenville 249300
Blackstone 283200
Attleboro 288700
Milford 321200
Millis-Clicquot 240700
Norfolk 482400
Taunton 235100

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Michael J Costa Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Abington 937
Bristol County 29998
Plymouth County 39122
Somerville 2564
North Plymouth 116
Bellingham 1148
West Wareham 52
Providence 5761
Greenville 563
Blackstone 530
Attleboro 2506
Milford 2200
Millis-Clicquot 354
Norfolk 1398
Taunton 2933