Statistics & Research about Bourne,MA - Murray & Macdonald Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Bourne,MA an area served by Murray & Macdonald Insurance Services Inc

Phone : 508-540-2400

Car dealers nearby Murray & Macdonald Insurance Services Inc

Falmouth Scion

290 MacArthur Blvd\u00c3\u201a\u00c2\u00a0 Bourne,MA 02532
Phone: (508) 759-1900

Real estate research for area nearby Murray & Macdonald Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Popponesset Island 1000001 NA NA
South Yarmouth 298,900 1290 5.2
Northwest Harwich 373,800 960 3.1
Green Harbor-Cedar Crest 370,000 1971 6.4
Yarmouth Port 363,000 1358 4.5
Acushnet 299,200 744 3.0
Marion 410,600 962 2.8
North Westport 299,800 688 2.8
Barnstable Town 357,800 1081 3.6
Plymouth County 339,100 1097 3.9

Number of old houses in places near by Murray & Macdonald Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of old houses
South Yarmouth 378500
Northwest Harwich 347000
Green Harbor-Cedar Crest 383800
Yarmouth Port 403100
Acushnet 270800
Marion 488900
North Westport 251100
Barnstable Town 449100
Plymouth County 328800
Buzzards Bay 289400
Onset 197000
Dartmouth 292600
Somerset 294000
Westport 338600

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Murray & Macdonald Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Popponesset Island 1000001
South Yarmouth 296200
Northwest Harwich 374500
Green Harbor-Cedar Crest 280000
Yarmouth Port 337500
Acushnet 258100
Marion 471800
North Westport 296400
Barnstable Town 322300
Plymouth County 320000
Buzzards Bay 287200
Onset 836500
Dartmouth 284300
Somerset 271300
Westport 289600

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Murray & Macdonald Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Popponesset Island 8
South Yarmouth 107
Northwest Harwich 201
Green Harbor-Cedar Crest 84
Yarmouth Port 84
Acushnet 71
Marion 317
North Westport 220
Barnstable Town 1581
Plymouth County 8870
Buzzards Bay 65
Dartmouth 569
Somerset 277
Westport 359

Number of new houses in places near by Murray & Macdonald Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Barnstable Town 410700
Plymouth County 458200
Westport 711500