Statistics & Research about Great Barrington,MA - Wheeler & Taylor Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Great Barrington,MA an area served by Wheeler & Taylor Inc

Phone : 413-528-1000

Car dealers nearby Wheeler & Taylor Inc

Peabody Chrysler Jeep

Great Barrington,MA
Phone: (978) 531-7440

Real estate research for area nearby Wheeler & Taylor Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Germantown 237,300 1315 6.6
Windsor 239200 NA NA
Hinsdale 238,000 640 3.2
Lorenz Park 158,800 579 4.4
New Hartford Center 206,100 1289 7.5
Tyringham 465,400 1083 2.8
Mount Washington 390000 NA NA
New Lebanon 196,000 847 5.2
Cummington 280,600 717 3.1
Schodack 222,100 852 4.6

Number of whites in places near by Wheeler & Taylor Inc

Place name Number of whites
Germantown 947
Windsor 869
Hinsdale 2110
Lorenz Park 1710
New Hartford Center 1290
Tyringham 365
Mount Washington 151
New Lebanon 2099
Cummington 959
Schodack 12616
Stottville 1283
Canaan 1411
Claverack-Red Mills 733
West Stockbridge 1416
Norfolk 1414

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Wheeler & Taylor Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Germantown 38
Windsor 35
Hinsdale 137
Lorenz Park 146
New Hartford Center 14
Tyringham 22
New Lebanon 82
Cummington 105
Schodack 389
Stottville 30
Canaan 131
Claverack-Red Mills 106
West Stockbridge 40
Norfolk 73

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Wheeler & Taylor Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Germantown 173400
Windsor 215600
Hinsdale 280000
Lorenz Park 172400
New Hartford Center 246700
Tyringham 625000
Mount Washington 380000
New Lebanon 196300
Cummington 212500
Schodack 190900
Stottville 213100
Canaan 173200
Claverack-Red Mills 216500
West Stockbridge 355000
Norfolk 253100

Number of blacks in places near by Wheeler & Taylor Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Germantown 12
Windsor 2
Hinsdale 13
Lorenz Park 54
New Hartford Center 8
Mount Washington 4
New Lebanon 111
Cummington 24
Schodack 60
Stottville 2
Canaan 132
West Stockbridge 24
Norfolk 15